Stations of the Pilgrimage

The ‘stations’ are three in number. The first is at the base of the cone, and is performed on the way up; the second is on the summit; and the third is situated some distance from the summit down the Lecanvey side of the mountain.

The following are instructions for the performance of the stations:

  • At this Leacht the pilgrim says seven Paters, seven Aves, and one Creed, and walks round the Leacht seven times

  • Having reached the summit, the pilgrim, kneeling, says seven Paters, seven Aves, and one Creed. Next, in front of the altar of the little chapel he kneels and repeats fifteen Paters, fifteen Aves and one Creed, and walks fifteen times round the circular mound on the top, praying as he goes. Having finished this he enters Leaba Phadraig and repeats on his knees seven Paters, seven Aves, and one Creed. This done, he walks seven times round the Leaba Phadraig.

  • The pilgrim at each of the circles forming this station repeats seven Paters, seven Aves, and one Creed, and travels round each seven times, and then goes round the ‘Garra Mor’ seven times walking.

    This completes the traditional stations.