The Croagh Patrick Ambassador Programme

in collaboration with Leave No Trace Ireland and the Croagh Patrick Stakeholders Group.

The aim of the programme is to drive public awareness of the importance of care and respect for our natural heritage, to empower positive behavioural change and develop skills around outdoor recreation so that locals and visitors can continue to enjoy and protect  Croagh Patrick and its surrounds.

Over 120,000 people climb Croagh Patrick annually.  However, the mountain currently does not have any statutory or legal conservation protection or status. The increase in visitor numbers has resulted in many negative impacts on the mountain, the most visible of which is the path erosion on privately-owned land.

Through identifying the issues with local stakeholders, Volunteer Ambassadors will be recruited to engage with visitors to Croagh Patrick. Leave No Trace Ireland will deliver the Ambassador Training Programme to the selected Ambassadors, working with Mayo County Council to ensure that visitors to Crough Patrick appreciate the importance of preserving the mountain’s distinct natural, cultural and religious heritage through sustainable use.  This training programme will also provide guidance on the most effective means for volunteers to engage with visitors to the mountain, whether local or visiting on how to engage in responsible stewardship of Croagh Patrick.

Become a Croagh Patrick Ambassador

Being a Volunteer Ambassador would be great for someone…

  • With enthusiasm and a love for the natural environment;

  • With good communication skills, so that you’re comfortable meeting and interacting with members of the public;

  • Who can work as part of a team;

  • With a good general knowledge about the local area you’d like to volunteer, and would like to learn more about Croagh Patrick;

  • Who is able to travel to Croagh Patrick in Murrisk and cover the main mountain route;

  • Aged 18 years old or over.

For the full Croagh Patrick Ambassador Role Description, click here.

To apply for this position, click here.